Thursday, 17 December 2009
Mimic octopus
The Mimic Octopus had always been my interest because of it's bezarr (Spelling) behavior, using it's tentacles to make a snake, pretending to be a flat fish and possible a flower. I'll look fo rmore info about this species later on.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sol Gerris story as Jabba's slave 2
During her time of slavery, Sol only did was either lay before the hutt or sit up, usually she chose to lay down which was more comfortible. She had not forgotton about her homeworld naboo, wanting to see it again after past few weeks in Jabba's palace and wanted to escape the horrid place so much but over time she thought 'what's the point, anyway?' She knew she wasn't going to succeed and with the collar around her neck chained to her master's dais, it was obvious the rebellion wouldn't waste their good soldiers to get her.
Jabba had treated her well since she had grown accustumed to his pressence and returned him nothing but pleasure and a bit of loyalty by allowing him to touch her skin, even by means wearing the skimpy bikini outfit she must wear for his kind of pleasure.
Two months later on, spenting another day resting against her master from another seductive dance performance Jabba took her to his private pleasure room. When they entered her master order his slave to strip naked, Sol did as she was told as the hutt coils his tail around her and grope and sloppered her naked form. After two hours of pleasing him they returned to the throne room.
The next day two droids entered the throne room, displaying the message showing a hologram of a young blonde man who calls himself Gail Vokira Explaining he would wish to meet the crime lord in three days, over time the hutt grudually accepts and the droids took his message to the young boy.
Three days had passed and Sol barely slept, not because of her masters belly jiggling while sleeping or his tail stroking her slender legs. She was thinking about the man from the hologram the astrodroid showed, suddenly felt a sudden attraction to him but she knows she's a slave to Jabba the hutt when suddenly the Twi'lek Bib Fortuna was talking with someone.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Broken horns Amarl
Amarl: A Gredalian who was once a bounty hunter who would not only do it for money or a good hunt, but one of the few known bounty hunters to catch those wanted by the authorities. After an assignment on taking down a Magoon crimelord arms dealer The P.R.D. thought of him as a useful member. Over a week of thinking he accepted so he could get out of his boredom. Doing his time as a member he enjoys tormenting Acemy who was too stricked with the rules Amarl normally breaks and usually has a fight with Kumichiyu most of the time.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Vizard mask
This is an old work I did. I thought I bring more of my old thing art. I'll by sumbitting this to my Deviantart profile. I made it in half to try out.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Characters in The Last Anakadian part 2
(Warning: these images do not belong to me. They belong to whoever made them and deserves the most credits.) Here are the images of what the characters look like.

Commander Nick Mustang: Nick is the head commander of the P.R.D. (Paranormal, Research and Defence) When he recieved a message from Watcher's Nest that they found the lost vessel the Blue Fortress, he was researching to understand how and why the ship suddenly vanish after the attack a hundred years ago without being sighted for so many years. The Commander accepted the survivors in the Earth base. He tried to pursued Wolfgang into letting his top expedition team to find the GHOULs' leak to their home realm the Baby Universe. Years ago while on the colony he met Robert and Alice Bluestien when they were cadets after encountering the invader he offered the cadet to work with him sometimes as a part time service. It is rumored that he has Devil Stone powers, he usually keeps a low profile from anyone outside organisation.

Suzanna Bluestien: Suzanna is a childhood friend of Daniel's, they first met when they were only seven years of age and had been anxious to meet him. Since then they were inseparable, she was saddend to learn the death of Daniel's parents and thought f was funny that their two families knew eachother for years. She cares deeply for him and desires to protect him as much as he does. Since Daniel's departure to Anakkra decided to follow her family's tradition as her love interest does to keep her friends and family safe. When the two were reunited after two years she finds him more attractive than he was the last time they saw eachother. Suzanna became interested in the technology from other races, even Anakadian Technology.

Franklin Dokenski: An Ecto philiom-base lifeform, he was the first of his kind to be genetically made by humans in the 22nd century. He developed a Russian-accent while he was developing intelligence, studying histories and archieology before being transfered to the P.R.D for his skills. When he first met Daniel he was interested in his species to learn how the boy became the vessel of the elemental beast since birth. His abilities allow him to posses any machinery and organic lifeforms without being detected in any of them, Franklin had also developed a hobby of studying ecto philiam-based species to understand more about his kind and creatting new devices for any future missions to prevent further casualties.
Chijaru: Chijaru is one of the most powerful elemental beasts in the Spirit Realm, he is the spirit of water, takened the form of a sedra. 1500 years ago the Dark Lords somehow gained control of the five beasts to bring chaos to the quardrant of the galaxy. The Anakadians had succeed in sealing them which was the only way in releasing their bond to the Dark lords' control over them, from generation to generation Gijaru and the others were released and years later return to their new born vessels for another mortal lifetime. His next vessel and wielder was Daniel Kayon who he sometimes regret over the years while the boy would draw the wrong attention.

Franklin Dokenski: An Ecto philiom-base lifeform, he was the first of his kind to be genetically made by humans in the 22nd century. He developed a Russian-accent while he was developing intelligence, studying histories and archieology before being transfered to the P.R.D for his skills. When he first met Daniel he was interested in his species to learn how the boy became the vessel of the elemental beast since birth. His abilities allow him to posses any machinery and organic lifeforms without being detected in any of them, Franklin had also developed a hobby of studying ecto philiam-based species to understand more about his kind and creatting new devices for any future missions to prevent further casualties.
Chijaru: Chijaru is one of the most powerful elemental beasts in the Spirit Realm, he is the spirit of water, takened the form of a sedra. 1500 years ago the Dark Lords somehow gained control of the five beasts to bring chaos to the quardrant of the galaxy. The Anakadians had succeed in sealing them which was the only way in releasing their bond to the Dark lords' control over them, from generation to generation Gijaru and the others were released and years later return to their new born vessels for another mortal lifetime. His next vessel and wielder was Daniel Kayon who he sometimes regret over the years while the boy would draw the wrong attention.
Barrakeed (Mr. Shadow): He is one of the main villains in the series. Barrakeed was once the commander of the Empire's military for several years. He then grew tire of serving the military, believing that if peace is the answer then using power to control the galaxy by gathering the artifacts to use the ancient army of droid warriors: The Amurian army. He became a Dark Lord and gathered many who were against the Alliance. Barrakeed possess the power of the Shadow Stone which earned him the title, the stone he had been researching since he was young.
Characters in the last Anakadian Part 1
(Warning: these images do not belong to me. They belong to whoever made them and deserves the most credits.) Here are the images of what the characters look like.

Lucas Ziba: An Alydonian male who likes to fight (for good reasons such as to protect his friends and family), sometimes spar with his best friend Daniel or anyone else. Enjoys good food, especially his Granma's cooking and no matter how much he eats he doesn't gain weight which is a mystery even to him, both he and Daniel like to play pranks on Acemy and usually both get into trouble no matter how hard they try to calm them. What he hates is being mistaken for a primate (monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee or Orangatang doesn't matter aslong as he knows what they are) otherwise he would go prezerk and sometimes act like one.
Turaku Shan'maru (Saurion amurai): A Dragonite Ameji, one of the well known warriors that fought for their civilizations. Turaku is a noble, wise and a great swordman in the Sha'dahl Empire and other nations of the Republic alliance. He grew up with Daniel's parents and thought Ashiro and those he fought with in the Zan Ghoul War as family, after hearing the news of their death he took the boy as his apprentic which he was tols since Daniel's decision of following his family's footsteps to protect his loved ones. He even allowed others to teach the boy on how to survive in the galaxy on his own. He became captain of the 13 Court Gaurd Squads, gained the title of the Fijichutai and his bounty from the Dark Lords is nearly a million.

Ashiro Kayon: Ashiro was the father of Daniel and husband to Leena. He shows strong resemblance of his son except for his red hair. Ever since his son's birth a Vahl'ri named Volron said that he would face a battle many years after the war. He could not know wether to believe this until he learnt that the ship his wife and son were on suddenly disappeared and no traces were left behind, he knew Daniel would still be alive somehow. Years later in 2311 he died at the battle for Terrabonvar.
Kumichiyu Kayon (the cyborg samurai): Kumichiyu was Ashiro's younger brother, making Daniel's only living relative and uncle. He had lost his body when he was a young teenager during the Zan ghoul's inavade to earth/Taul'ra, Kumichiyu was given a chance to recieve a new body but decline, wanting to use his new half cybernetic body to fight and defend innocent lives. When he recieved news that his sister-in-law was pregnant with his brother's child he was thrilled to become an uncle. When he was sadden to learn of the death of his people, his friends and family he wanted to be sure Daniel was raised to always fight with reason although he did not know how to raise his nephew probably so he let Turaku, the Bluestein family and others in the P.R.D. to do it. Unlike the rest of the family he calls them by nicknames such as giving Daniel "Sprout", Robert by his last name "Bluestein" and Turaku "Scale". What he enjoys most is snooping around in the hot springs in the women's baths but always fails.

Admiral Gorn T Bluestein: Gorn is a proud member of the Bluestien family, he gained his reputation to the Reoublic and the Earth military for fighting alot of GHOUL in his younger years. He is the father of Robert and Kraiden and the grandfather of Suzanna, from what is known from his friends he trained his two sons to be strong fighters by sending them to the toughest places on Earth or other worlds like Tyrannus and Ryunmara. Since he met Daniel he would send a suprise attack if he were to become future grandson-in-law one day and the Anakadian always wins, he also usually hangs out with Kumichiyu to read the new hentai books which was also made by his ancestor.

The GHOUL: They are the decendants of the Ummit, able to cross through our dimension and their's. Since their first arrival they brought fear to many young civilizations, including humans. Their main enemies were the Vahl'ri. One of their rifts was located within a human colony but later was closed for good after the battle for the Watcher's Nest. They use their spider-like ships to fly through rifts and in the vastness of space to attack their enemies.

Daniel Kayon(Dragon Swordsman): Daniel is a young Ameji and a LT who is presumed to be the last sole survivor of his "dying" race, the Anakadians. He survived the battle of the vessel known as the Blue Fortress when he was only a child by spending a whole century in suspended hybernation along with his mentor Turaku and his uncle Kumichiyu. After their rescue he immediatly became friends with a human named Suzanna BLuestien and later developed romantic feelings for her over the years. His title is known to the Republic as the Dragon Swordsman, a member of the Shichibutai with the bounty of 1,900,000 Kreen.

Lucas Ziba: An Alydonian male who likes to fight (for good reasons such as to protect his friends and family), sometimes spar with his best friend Daniel or anyone else. Enjoys good food, especially his Granma's cooking and no matter how much he eats he doesn't gain weight which is a mystery even to him, both he and Daniel like to play pranks on Acemy and usually both get into trouble no matter how hard they try to calm them. What he hates is being mistaken for a primate (monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee or Orangatang doesn't matter aslong as he knows what they are) otherwise he would go prezerk and sometimes act like one.

Ashiro Kayon: Ashiro was the father of Daniel and husband to Leena. He shows strong resemblance of his son except for his red hair. Ever since his son's birth a Vahl'ri named Volron said that he would face a battle many years after the war. He could not know wether to believe this until he learnt that the ship his wife and son were on suddenly disappeared and no traces were left behind, he knew Daniel would still be alive somehow. Years later in 2311 he died at the battle for Terrabonvar.

Admiral Gorn T Bluestein: Gorn is a proud member of the Bluestien family, he gained his reputation to the Reoublic and the Earth military for fighting alot of GHOUL in his younger years. He is the father of Robert and Kraiden and the grandfather of Suzanna, from what is known from his friends he trained his two sons to be strong fighters by sending them to the toughest places on Earth or other worlds like Tyrannus and Ryunmara. Since he met Daniel he would send a suprise attack if he were to become future grandson-in-law one day and the Anakadian always wins, he also usually hangs out with Kumichiyu to read the new hentai books which was also made by his ancestor.

The GHOUL: They are the decendants of the Ummit, able to cross through our dimension and their's. Since their first arrival they brought fear to many young civilizations, including humans. Their main enemies were the Vahl'ri. One of their rifts was located within a human colony but later was closed for good after the battle for the Watcher's Nest. They use their spider-like ships to fly through rifts and in the vastness of space to attack their enemies.

The characters in Babylon
So I thought of gathering some images of how the characters should look like and possibly other things too like planets and ships, other kinds of stuff I may come across with. I will give a short info about them. And there will be notes about where the images belonge to so not eberyone of them would be made by me.
Kirara Animagi: Kirara is a human/Anakadian hybrid, born on earth before humans made first contact. She is well noted for having snow white hair since birth, she inherited from her grandmother who tells to her and her brother and sister who are twins about extraterrestrials. She has always been facinated about travelling to the stars and meeting aliens, wild, peaceful or dangerous she would still continue dreamt about it until one day a group of invading Zan Ghouls arrived accidently, kidnapping her cause of her mixed genes. Taken Kirara from her homeworld against her will she was a prisoner to them so that they would know of her race to later enslave when she was rescued by a group of multipled species who came by and almost lost all of her past. Nowhere to go she immediatly joined the crew who live in a Leviathon ship and forced to adapt in the galaxy to survive.
Nalrianta Luhi'ijukima: Nalrianta is a Falpearian member of the Ta'lyn crew who is a healer, a living translator who can communicate with races with unkown languages and sometimes a concious to others in need. She carries great knowledge of things of history, archeaology and species in the Milky Way galaxy. Nalrianta showed interests to the newest crew member Kirara, not just showing similiar facial features of Yugito her grandmother but also has a opened mind into understanding alien cultures across the galaxy and find linkways to her homeplanet. After Kirara lost almost all of her memories Nalrianta stepped in to help her search her lost past in her mind. The Falpearian posseses the powers of the Devil stone: the Wood stone that gives her access to control plants at will, gaining the title from others as "The Forest Witch" in the Persius arm.
Gahl: A Dryad from the forest planet Hiju, the only member of the crew Ta'lyn is unable to translate but is still gaining little over time. Gahl acks as an assistant to Nalrianta who undestands his species' language well. Gahl joined the crew not long ago so he could travel to see more of the Milky Way and help fight against the Zan Ghouls and others who pose a threat. He sometimes has a rough relationship with Galom as the two always argue things that maybe foolish.
Kirara Animagi: Kirara is a human/Anakadian hybrid, born on earth before humans made first contact. She is well noted for having snow white hair since birth, she inherited from her grandmother who tells to her and her brother and sister who are twins about extraterrestrials. She has always been facinated about travelling to the stars and meeting aliens, wild, peaceful or dangerous she would still continue dreamt about it until one day a group of invading Zan Ghouls arrived accidently, kidnapping her cause of her mixed genes. Taken Kirara from her homeworld against her will she was a prisoner to them so that they would know of her race to later enslave when she was rescued by a group of multipled species who came by and almost lost all of her past. Nowhere to go she immediatly joined the crew who live in a Leviathon ship and forced to adapt in the galaxy to survive.
Nalrianta Luhi'ijukima: Nalrianta is a Falpearian member of the Ta'lyn crew who is a healer, a living translator who can communicate with races with unkown languages and sometimes a concious to others in need. She carries great knowledge of things of history, archeaology and species in the Milky Way galaxy. Nalrianta showed interests to the newest crew member Kirara, not just showing similiar facial features of Yugito her grandmother but also has a opened mind into understanding alien cultures across the galaxy and find linkways to her homeplanet. After Kirara lost almost all of her memories Nalrianta stepped in to help her search her lost past in her mind. The Falpearian posseses the powers of the Devil stone: the Wood stone that gives her access to control plants at will, gaining the title from others as "The Forest Witch" in the Persius arm.
Gahl: A Dryad from the forest planet Hiju, the only member of the crew Ta'lyn is unable to translate but is still gaining little over time. Gahl acks as an assistant to Nalrianta who undestands his species' language well. Gahl joined the crew not long ago so he could travel to see more of the Milky Way and help fight against the Zan Ghouls and others who pose a threat. He sometimes has a rough relationship with Galom as the two always argue things that maybe foolish.
Shimuri Kimushuka: Shimuri is the Anakadian captain of the Leviathon and the mother of Rai, she knew Yugito when she was young and immediatly given Kirara the invitations to join. She is a skilled swordsman and thought of teaching Kirara some basic moves and to invent her own to become very skilled.
Galom: A Vesspess who is mostly a comic relief and major annoyance when it comes to business schemes and money which mostly all of them end up failure. He had heard little about humans and thought they were nothing but troublesome species. He has a hatred for Kenahlri a Kal'Dolra who also dislikes him. He usually argues with the Dryad member Galh. Galom made lots of 'enemies' and would never set foot in the Morgoon remnant.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Sol Gerris's story as Jabba's slave
Sol was born on Naboo in 19BBY, she wanted to join the Rebellion to free the galaxy from the Empire and became a spy for the Rebels when rumors of Jabba selling weapons and a base to the Empire. She infiltrated the Hutt's palace in disguise as a bounty hunter, but later on she was captured and was brought before the hutt. Jabba immediatly found her attractive and licked her face, he ordered his slave dancers to take her away to be cleaned, stripped and washed.

To Sol's horrifying discover she was forced to wear a skimpy slave girl outfit and a leash connecting to a collar around her neck. She was unable to inform the fleet of her capture so it would possibly be a long while for them to know, they brought her to Jabba as Sols new master.
Jabba connected his new slave girl's leash to his throne and tugged it hard causing the young girl's half naked body to fall against his belly, Sol tried to turn away from her new master's drooling mouth but was pished against him, feeling her arms and hands against him, licking her face again. She was his possession now and was forced to sit on the throne by the slug closely until he grows tired of her. Every now or then Jabba keeps his slave girl on a short leash, sometimes bringing her closer to him by skin contact to her disgust and humiliation.
Over several weeks had past since her capture and enslaved by Jabba the Hutt, she had struggled against Jabba but the hutt always wins and was quickly subdued came to the accept the live of a hutt's slave girl since her early days as his slave. Using his mind tricks to break her will into submitting to the hutt's control over her.
One night when Jabba request to be asleep he yanked his slave's leash to return to his throne, she did not hesitate when he pulled her to his bulging belly to lay agianst him, as she was fast asleep Jabba made sure if she had submitted fully by stroking her bare legs with his tail, the slave did not flinch in respond. Jabba felt pleased that the young Sol had come to sences that she belonged to him from now on, he kept her leash very short and placed his hand on her naked shoulder to stroke before going into slumber.

"From this day forward I am a humble pet to my master and allowing me to live is rewarding enougth." The former rebel now an obediant slave dancer. Her spirit was broken, made her hatred to him into fear by pleasing him for her life and not to anger her master. Sol began spending most of her days resting against his bloated belly for the slugs pleasure, not showing disgust when he strokes her bare naked skin with his free hand and tail, or placing his large hand around the back of her neck.

During her time as a slave she picked up a view things from the other slaves on how to stay alive and keep her place as Jabba's favourite, keeping her distance from the male crones. She chosed to obey her master's lustful desires when she would spent the full two days with him in a jacuzzi three times his size, dance for his entertainment, continue resting against him when her master wants to enjoy feeling her half naked body against his bulging belly and whenever Jabba would give her a "kiss" she would sit on her knees and lie front against his skin for his slithery toungue to sluber her face.
Jabba had grown fond of his beautiful slave since her submission, even if she showed loyalty with fear the hutt still likes to keep her as his favourite. Sol was well aware that she is Jabba's "pet" when wearing a leash. Sol sat comfurtibly beside her master without making a sound, watching him talk to smugglers and bounty hunters making deals and faearfully not to disturb his moment when listening to music. Jabba would sometimes let her move further about only on his dais and play with his slave with his tail.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Galtoshrion head shot
This is a head shot of what a Galtoshrion shoud look like, I gotten the idea from some anime series I liked the purple one the most probably the way it fights so I will upload it to deviantart when I get home and fill you in about them.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Galtroshrion vessel

This is an alien vessel I made from some idea
New villain Rahoon
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Saturday, 25 July 2009
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